HeartDeco Gives Back

on November 01, 2022

Maya Angelou once said that “I have found that among its other benefits, giving, liberates the soul of the giver” and that is exactly how our team felt this past Saturday after our visit to Nazareth House. Nazareth House is a space that provides housing and safety for elders and small abandoned children.

With over 9 houses in Africa, Heartdeco decided to collaborate with the house in Johannesburg. Situated in Yeoville, the house in Johannesburg is home to more than 30 children and over 80 elderly residents. After visiting the house on 26 October Heartdeco felt the need to help by donating a few of our children’s products such as play tents, baby bottle sterilizers, art products and other toys.

Our dedicated Marketing team woke up bright and early on 29 October to set up the products for the kids and was welcomed by a lovely lady named Elaine. Elaine took our team through to the playroom and eagerly assisted us with setting up all the toys so that the children could have an entire Saturday to explore and learn about their new toys.

The precious faces and widened smiles of the kids were absolutely heartwarming to say the least. Up and down the slide, through the tents, wiggle waggling, laughter and abundance of joy filled the play room as the Heartdeco team bonded with the children of Nazareth House. Surprised with absolutely beautiful singing voices – the kind that only angels have – Nazareth House spoiled Heartdeco with a few traditional songs as a token of appreciation.

Leaving Nazareth House surely was a tough task for our volunteers. We as a brand hope to take part in more “ giving back” projects in the near future. With your help and support we can truly make a small, yet impactful, change in the lives of many South Africans.